正规澳门赌场网络 the Center for Excellence in the Neurosciences

CEN由教师组成, 专业人员, 和 students conducting groundbreaking neuroscience research.


Neurological diseases represent enormous health, 经济, 和 social burdens to the United States 和 the rest of the world. Chronic pain, for example, is estimated to affect more than 50% of the U.S. population, with an indirect 经济 impact estimated to exceed $100 billion annually.

的re is an urgent 和 unmet need for better underst和ing the pathophysiology of 神经系统疾病, 和 for applying this knowledge to the clinical practice of medicine in order to improve patient quality of life. From the recognition of this need, the Center for Excellence in the Neurosciences (CEN) was created.

Our mission is to foster creativity 和 collaboration among people who have a passion for underst和ing the complexities of the nervous system 和 applying this knowledge to improve human health, 生产力, 和生活质量.

A UNE student works with kids during the CEN 大脑公平 event


Having students contribute to neuroscience research at UNE is one of the highest priorities for faculty 和 专业人员 in the CEN. UNE’s neuroscience program features faculty with expertise that extends across the colleges 和 includes not only the basic 和 clinical sciences but also the liberal arts. This cross-disciplinary approach results in unique training opportunities for undergraduate 和 graduate students who have shared interests in the field.


对于本科生来说,有一个 神经科学专业 和 一个小. 的re are also many research opportunities in 独立的实验室, as well as an undergraduate neuroscience club which is actively involved in our k - 12外展 program.


For graduate students, UNE is part of 缅因大学's 研究生 School of Biomedical 科学 和 Engineering (GSBSE), which allows students enrolled in the program to do thesis work in UNE laboratories or rotate through UNE labs.


的re are also opportunities for research for medical students, through both the College of 整骨疗法的医学's Dean’s office (Peter Morgane 学生的研究 Fellowships) or the Student Government Association (Carmen Pettapiece 学生的研究 Fellowship). 的 Center for Excellence in Collaborative Education 提供更多机会.


正规澳门赌场网络,我们提供严谨的课程 博士后训练 in an excellent 和 supportive research environment, with a focus on personalized 指导 和 continued education.

的 opportunity to work in the Burman Collaborative provided invaluable scientific, 专业, 和 life experience before graduating with an undergraduate degree.” 

— 维多利亚·伊顿18届

A student goes through a group of slides
A student works with a professor on research


CEN培育了独特的和 形形色色的研究人员. To ensure the growth of the neuroscience research community at UNE, the CEN actively supports the growth of the center through recruitment, 指导, 以及对新教员的支持.

Potential for research collaborations with multidisciplinary scientists 和 health care 专业s at UNE


Connections to a number of groups that share interests in neuroscience 和 neurology, 包括缅因州医疗中心, 杰克逊实验室, 缅因大学, 和 the Maine Institute for Human Genetics 和 健康


资源和 资金的机会 对于属于CEN的教员来说



CEN有一个完善的 K-12外展计划, 它将全体教员聚集在一起, 工作人员, 和 students from UNE 和 puts them into area K-12 schools with the goal to promote interest in STEM disciplines in the community. We are always interested in volunteers for one of our many outreach events. We also have a number of community partnerships with local businesses to help support 和 maintain our dynamic programs.



CEN还制定了年度 大脑,身体和健康博览会 which engages the local community in brain exploration. 学生 develop 和 implement neuroscience-related, h和s-on activities 和 experiments for the general public as a way to help increase awareness of traumatic brain injury, 神经系统疾病, 和成瘾. We are always looking for volunteers 和 sponsors for these events.

Discover the 大脑,身体和健康博览会